Get a Grip!
Can’t be unusual that I feel like an extra in my own life. Things are going so fast, making realisations, learning, making mistakes, making amends and there is no time for a break. Even when I’m on an unintentional break it feels as though so many other things are passing me by. The question is, do you really get a grip!
There are many lessons we could delve into to get into the mess that is my mind right now. But at the top of my mind has been the sheer wonder of whether we know our purpose in life, I’ve been asking myself whether we really take time to figure ourselves out as humans.(I just realised I’m typing this with my jaws clenched for dear life!)
I mean, no one really comes to you and has that conversation with you, and I’m pretty sure that when you come to the realisation that you “maybe” have a purpose you would have already been up and down myriads of never ending uphill battles(well so it seems). What is it that drove you to carry on even when you felt like you had gone way your wits end.